Hello February!

Moto sweater: Forever 21 ($19)
Cowl: Yarn Over Movement (giveaway)
Necklace: Black Sparrow (gift)
Bracelets: vintage, swapped, & F21
Boots: Minnetonka Tramper ($40)
(belt included with dress)
February has greeted us loud and proud! The snow started up around eight this morning and now it's really coming down. I love it though, working from home when it's snowing out is such a cozy feeling and I always seem to get more done.
This outfit is perfect for a day like today, so comfy for puttering around the house! When Ruche contacted me to see if I would like to try something from their shop, I was really excited. I'm a huge fan of their wares, and am even more-so since this dress arrived on my doorstep. I love maxi dresses, but as a girl of normal height (5'5") it's hard to find long dresses that aren't too long, luckily for me this one is perfect! It will be ideal for Spring, but right now it's cold out, so I layered Smartwool tights beneath and added some warm moccasins. I had originally planned to pair an oversized sweater with the ensemble, but I tried this moto sweater instead and liked the effect. I'm glad I tried it too, it almost went on my shop closet blog, but I think I'll save it for a little while longer!
I really can't believe it's February! This month always seems to go by so fast, given it's two to three days shorter than every other month, but even so, it flies. I have to admit, I hope the snow keeps up, I know I'm probably in the minority here, but it's beautiful and for someone who can't afford to do too much this winter, I enjoy just viewing the beautiful winter scenery.

On a side note, someone asked me yesterday where my Formspring went. For those of you who don't already know (I mentioned it a little on Twitter and Facebook), I was receiving an excessive amount of inappropriate/rude comments and questions. I like keeping an open forum, but when people resort to name calling and bullying, it's time to shut it down. As a blogger I realize that I put myself out there and not everyone will agree with what I'm saying, or like my style for that matter, but I'm still human and not matter how high my self-esteem might be, those rude (rude isn't even the right word for it) comments/questions still sting.
I welcome (appropriate) questions via email or in the comments section, and will either address them in a post (like this), in an email back, or in a comment in the same post.
To my readers who leave me encouraging, constructive, and thoughtful comments everyday: thank you! Your community is what blogging is all about!