Oh so quiet

Image ©ChristineCloutier
I really didn't have any plans for what I was going to post today, due to the sheer magnitude of snow we received this week, outfit posts have been put on hold. It's insane, it snowed for two straight days! Anyways, I finally got my scanner working yesterday (after nearly having an Office Space-esque breakdown), and have been spending the morning scanning old photos. Since this is also kind of a hair blog (kind of), I thought I would share what my hair used to look like... a really long time ago. Yep, that's me. My friend Christine took this picture for a portrait class we were in, in college. I think I was either 19 or 20 here.
It's been a very quiet couple of days around here, after snowing for forty-eight hours we've been left with a huge mess to clean up. Chris and I are both feeling under the weather, so I've taken advantage of the down time to obsessively work on my resume. And that, my friends, is all I have to report for this week! Exciting, huh? I know I've promised a shop update, and it's in the works. I have a bunch of great stuff to get listed, which I'm hoping to do today or tomorrow. In the mean-time, enjoy your friday!