NYC in Pictures: Part 2
Definitely fewer pictures today than yesterday, but when you're in a conference for the majority of the day (and sick as a dog), there's more time spent listening and absorbing than taking pictures. The main reason I travelled to New York in the first place was to attend the IFB Evolving Influence Conference. Not only did I see attending the conference as great professional development, I was also really excited to see some of my favorite girls.

This was my first time attending IFB, and I'm glad I waited. While I definitely returned home with some helpful information and ideas on how to improve Orchid Grey, I do wish there had been more diversity among the panelists. It felt like the majority of who we heard from were high-end bloggers who collaborate with luxury brands and worked with PR firms. While that may be what some bloggers aspire to, it's not what all of us (including myself) aspire to be as bloggers. Not all of us live in New York or LA, but that doesn't mean we can't experience own own versions success, to me that's the beauty of blogging. To that end, I really enjoyed hearing Rebecca and Keiko speak, I found them to be the most relatable and feel like what I did go home thinking about, was brought up by them. I also really enjoyed the first panel, which dealt with blog content, trademark and copyright. Were you at IFB? Did you watch the live stream? What did you think?

But we weren't just there to hear the speakers! Meeting other bloggers and seeing blogging friends is more than half the reason I chose to go. I mean, I'm not able to travel much this year, so what better time to catch up (however briefly) with friends? I was so happy to see Jess again, and meet other bloggers who I've followed for so long.

Jen, Punky and I did set aside some time to take outfit photos, even though it was SO COLD. Really, it was the best day to spend completely indoors, I have to say I'm excited for warmer weather. After the conference we headed to a diner for some much needed food (french fries and gravy) and then headed back to our hotel where we were met with this disaster:

Apparently, none us us do mornings well.
Stay tuned for a full outfit post later today!