NYC in Pictures: Part 3 (Style File)

Hat: Vintage (chris's)
Belt: J.Crew (gift)
Scarf: Vintage thrift ($5-ish)
Bag: Vintage D&B ($10)
Necklace: Black Sparrow (gift)
Tights: TjMaxx ($4)
Shoes: Matiko sale ($40)
Sweater: LOFT (swapped)
There have been glimpses of my IFB outfit in my last couple of posts, but I thought I would do a real style file today. To tell the truth, I had a completely different outfit planned, but the morning of I decided on this and over-all, I'm happy with it. This ModCloth dress has been sitting in the back of my closet for a few months now, I had forgotten that it works best with tights (you can see how I previously styled it here), I packed it up and brought it along! To off-set the bright white, I mixed in a lot of neutrals and dark green. My goal was to look spring-y but seasonally appropriate. I think I got it right.

And yes, it was coooold and windy!!!

photos: JenLovesKev