Orchid Grey & ModCloth Jewelry Collaboration!

Frock Band Dress c/o ModCloth
That Ain't All Folks Heel c/o ModCloth
Belt: Vintage
I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am to announce this collaboration with ModCloth
! A few months back they contacted me about creating a vintage inspired piece of jewelry for their site, I was so excited, I immediately set about scouring northern New England's best vintage and antiques shops to find something amazing. I had all but given up hope when I finally found my muse: An amazing gold bangle with lion heads. Lion heads! I mean, you all know how cat-crazy I am, it was the perfect inspiration piece. I loved the power represented by the two lions, juxtaposed by the femininity of the bracelet.
I'm so proud of the final product, I've been wearing my bangle in secret since I received it in the mail. Well, today is the big reveal! You can check out the ModCloth
blog post here and snag a bangle of your very own here!

Funny story: When Chris and I went to take these photos in the park, what I expected to be a quiet and quick photo session turned into mayhem. When we arrived at the walled garden-in-the-park, there were pre-teen boys everywhere! It was like Lord of the Flies. Seriously, they were playing some kind of insane running game and screaming their heads off and jumping out of trees. Miraculously, and to my astonishment, one of the boys told his brethren "Hey, don't run over here because there's photography happening". Surprisingly considerate! Anyways, that's why I look a little grumpy, it was the most awkward blog-photo experience I've ever had.