September 27, 2011: Floral, Chambray, Brown

Dress: Vintage via thrift (old)
Shirt: American Apparel
Belt: American Apparel
Shoes c/o ModCloth
I'm back in action! After nearly a month of not taking my own photos, I dragged my camera out of hiding, dusted off the cobwebs, and took some outfit shots yesterday. I admit, I've been off my game, since I've had the wedding photos and NYFW to tide me over, I've taken a little break from getting dressed up. Which, believe me, wasn't a good idea. It took me for-ever to piece this outfit together yesterday. Like, way too long for what it is. It doesn't help that my camera is broken: I dropped it while running out the door to catch my bus for NYC, and the lens broke. Not good! It's all duct-taped up right now and not working very well. I guess I'll be saving my pennies for a new lens.
Yesterday was my kind of day: I did some work in the AM, grabbed a coffee with my husband (aka Chris...I just like saying Husband), and then headed off to Portsmouth, NH for lunch at the Friendly Toast and a stop at The Enormous Tiny Art Show with the wonderful Elise of Argyle Whale and Daphne of The Living Words (two amazing- and amazingly funny- ladies), there may have been a Savers pit-stop in there somewhere, too. The weather has been extremely summery lately, much to my chagrin. This always happens: I put away my summer clothes in favor for autumnal wools and flannels, and then BAM! it's 80 degrees again. Boo hiss. So, I made due by quickly taking in this dress which has been languishing in my to-be-altered closet for a year and a half. I added a little button-up and a belt, and then went with some almost-sensible-but-still-heeled clogs.