Have a Beautiful Weekend!

You can really see where my priorities were this week: Zephyr. His little face kind of kills me, and I find myself focusing on him when I get stressed out. I think that may make me sort of insane. But, I'm not gonna lie, this week was a little stressful, and I'm so happy it's almost over. Nothing horrible happened, but ending a long week with car problems is not my idea of a good time. But the good thing is, it's sunny today and I have an appointment to get my brakes (yeah, scary) fixed on Monday! It was wonderful waking up to sunlight streaming in our bedroom windows, such a nice way to wake up. I'm not sure what this weekend has in store for us, Chris will be working, so I may take the opportunity to do some thrifting. And then there's talk of Light Up Night, which sounds awesome.
Here are a few highlights of this week:
I have a poll going on my Facebook page about the Disqus commenting system, if you have a minute, I would love to know your thoughts!
Are any of my Pittsburgh readers members of Venture Outdoors? I'm thinking about joining this winter.
Noble Town Vintage is offering free shipping on all orders (including International!) through December!
This sculpture is amazing. That's all I have to say.
Elizabeth was the prettiest bride ever! And congratulations to Miss James who ties the knot this weekend (can't wait to see her BHLDN dresses)
Love these vintage Levi's, perfect pants for the impending holidays!
I would love to spend the weekend wrapped in this cozy sweater, reading a book. I need to get to the library!
Have you seen this fun wishlist from Lulus? You can take a peek at what I'm wishing for this year!
Speaking of wishlists, what kind of wishlists would you be interested in seeing on Orchid Grey? Anything in particular?
Have you seen Blowfish's new accessories category? I love the boot-tights, genius!!
What are your weekend plans? Anything special?