In My Element

Sweater c/o Lulus
Dress c/o Lulus
Tights: AA
Necklace: gift from Chris
Bracelets: Forever 21
Photos by Christen of From the Woods
This rain is officially driving me bananas. Yesterday was day three and I was determined to actually get some outfit shots. It's definitely been an adjustment getting back to a normal 40 hour week, especially since Chris is now on a similar schedule as well. I've been shopping around for a new camera lens in hopes of being able to take self-portraits again soon. I love having other bloggers to collaborate with at work, but I've also been taking self-portraits forever (before this blog was even an idea) and I miss those projects.
Well, the weather has finally cleared a bit today and it's actually feeling like chilly November. Rumor has it that we might even see some snow this weekend! I have my fingers crossed, I would love to have a little (a little) snow on the ground for Thanksgiving.
Well, the weather has finally cleared a bit today and it's actually feeling like chilly November. Rumor has it that we might even see some snow this weekend! I have my fingers crossed, I would love to have a little (a little) snow on the ground for Thanksgiving.