Another Casual Tuesday

In This Outfit:
Sweater: Thrifted ($7)
Shorts: ModCloth (c. 2010)
Tights: AA
Hat: Thrifted ($2)
Shoes: Matiko (c. 2010)
Bracelets: gift from Punky
Watch c/o Kenneth Cole Time
A few disjointed thoughts:
Another casual look, sometimes you just want comfort. Actually, amend that to all the time. All the time I want comfort. I bought this sweater a couple weekends back on a thrifting excursion with Mandy, and I'm just a little bit obsessed with it, it's perfectly oversize and slouches in just the right way. I had been planning on pairing it with a skirt, but Chris suggested these shorts and I'm glad he did.
Did you have a good weekend? Mine was quite busy with lots of projects and trips to Construction Junction with Chris. But, I received my new lens yesterday! Which means I can finally start documenting our projects! I have a couple of home-based DIY's planned for the near future, along with some pictures of our new apartment!
And finally, if you follow me on Facebook, you may have seen a post or two looking for feedback recently. One of those posts dealt specifically with me posting the prices of the clothing I wear. I've flip-flopped on this subject a number of times, mainly because I either can't remember the cost of something (much of what I wear is over a year old), or I bought it with some sort of employee discount (I've had a number of retail jobs over the past year and a half). So, with the help of some of you lovely readers, this is what I think will work best: When I can remember the honest-to-goodness price that I paid, I'll post it. When I can't remember the price or it was bought with a discount, I'm not going to guess or post what my cost was, I'm just not going to post it. I know my language here is probably coming off firmer that what I mean, I'm just in decision making mode.
And thank you so much to everyone who offered their thoughts on Facebook, I really appreciated the feedback!
Sweater: Thrifted ($7)
Shorts: ModCloth (c. 2010)
Tights: AA
Hat: Thrifted ($2)
Shoes: Matiko (c. 2010)
Bracelets: gift from Punky
Watch c/o Kenneth Cole Time
A few disjointed thoughts:
Another casual look, sometimes you just want comfort. Actually, amend that to all the time. All the time I want comfort. I bought this sweater a couple weekends back on a thrifting excursion with Mandy, and I'm just a little bit obsessed with it, it's perfectly oversize and slouches in just the right way. I had been planning on pairing it with a skirt, but Chris suggested these shorts and I'm glad he did.
Did you have a good weekend? Mine was quite busy with lots of projects and trips to Construction Junction with Chris. But, I received my new lens yesterday! Which means I can finally start documenting our projects! I have a couple of home-based DIY's planned for the near future, along with some pictures of our new apartment!
And finally, if you follow me on Facebook, you may have seen a post or two looking for feedback recently. One of those posts dealt specifically with me posting the prices of the clothing I wear. I've flip-flopped on this subject a number of times, mainly because I either can't remember the cost of something (much of what I wear is over a year old), or I bought it with some sort of employee discount (I've had a number of retail jobs over the past year and a half). So, with the help of some of you lovely readers, this is what I think will work best: When I can remember the honest-to-goodness price that I paid, I'll post it. When I can't remember the price or it was bought with a discount, I'm not going to guess or post what my cost was, I'm just not going to post it. I know my language here is probably coming off firmer that what I mean, I'm just in decision making mode.
And thank you so much to everyone who offered their thoughts on Facebook, I really appreciated the feedback!