The Illusionist
Once upon a time, a vintage-loving girl found a pretty, green wool skirt at a thrift store, only to find that...

In this outfit:
Coat: Vintage thrifted ($25)
Sweater: Modcloth (hand-me-down)
Palazzo pants: Vintage thrifted ($9)
Shoes c/o Lulu's
Tights: AA
Bag: Swapped
Scarf & Bracelets: gift from Punky
Earrings c/o Noble Town Vintage
Belt: vintage (Dior!) thrifted ($2)
Coat: Vintage thrifted ($25)
Sweater: Modcloth (hand-me-down)
Palazzo pants: Vintage thrifted ($9)
Shoes c/o Lulu's
Tights: AA
Bag: Swapped
Scarf & Bracelets: gift from Punky
Earrings c/o Noble Town Vintage
Belt: vintage (Dior!) thrifted ($2) wasn't a skirt at all!
How could I resist? When I told my mother about this purchase, she just started singing "Free to be You and Me" and making Marlo Thomas jokes. Pallazzo pants were big in the 70's, which I'm sure was in my subconscious when I made the decision to buy them. The lesson here? Don't be afraid to try something new, even if it seems ridiculous, because these are crazy pants, but that's why I love them.
On a more serious note, if you haven't already, I strongly urge you to send a letter to your senator urging them to vote NO on the SOPA and PIPA acts. You can read more here.