Happy Sunday!

I've been slacking on posting Friday links, a habit I need to quit- I love sharing the things I love with you all!
Are you getting excited for Valentines day? I actually am, a rare occurrence. I'm thinking that we might actually choose to celebrate this year, so something like this might be nice to wear.
Have you participated in Ruche's new Shop With Us program? This dress was chosen and I think it's the perfect transitional piece: wear with tights and a collared shirt underneath for winter, and with flat sandals come spring.
Blowfish's new spring line is so cute, it's so exciting to see light colors again! Enter the code BFORCHID15 for 15% off!
Speaking of light colors, I'm kind of in love with this checkered knit dress from Le Lapin D'or! Who says you have to wear dark colors in cold months? Enter the code grey10 for 10% off!
This dress is insane! Snake print is definitely not for the faint of heart, but the cut and draping of this one is pretty amazing. Enter the code orchidgrey for 15% off!
Speaking of V-Day, how sweet is this little leather bag? I might just have to get myself a gift (or really, realllly hint that I like this)!
I am SO EXCITED to be speaking at the Texas Style Counsel Conference! March can not come soon enought, Austin is one of my all-time favorite cities! Will you be attending?
Did you see Elizabeth's new haircut? She's so brave, and she looks beautiful! I'm trying to work up the gumption to cut mine.
I've been completely obsessed with Pinterest lately! I'm feeling so inspired to make stuff, and I want to post about it all at once, I need to remind myself to slow down a bit!
We just received the new LL Bean Signature catalog in the mail, and I'm obsessed with this shirt! Perfect colors for spring and summer.
What are you loving this week?