A Sunday

Ohh, I am not ready for it to be Monday. Not ready at all. This weekend was pretty great, but as I looked over my photos last night, it seems only the ones from Sunday came out. A brief synopsis of what is not pictured: A visit to Phipps on Friday night where we bought a family membership ($75 for two people, for the year!), a much needed sushi dinner at Umi (so good!), a late night watching of Tangled (which made me want to cut my hair...even more), a lazy-ish Saturday, and a Midnight in Paris viewing (I loved it).
Yesterday was another lazy-ish day, with lots of cat time, breakfast at home, another (albeit fruitless) visit to Construction Junction, a stop at Espresso a Mano, and a visit to the art supply store (I'm feeling inspired!).
Inspired by Emma's cake, Chris and I baked a birthday cake from scratch (we used this cake recipe- substituting cake flour, and the frosting recipe on the back of the Ghirardelli baking powder can), and he made me the most amazing spaghetti and meatball dinner.
All in all, a very good, and very tasty weekend! How was yours?