Autumn Goals

The view from Cathedral Ledge, back home in New Hampshire last year
I know lists such as these are plentiful this time of year, but well, the gym was closed, and it's raining out tonight, so I actually have some time to sit and think about this sort of thing. Last fall felt all too brief, caught up entirely in the relocation process, we were either frantically looking for a place to live, spending every free moment with friends and family, or tossing all our belongings into a moving van. I can't even remember last October, so I'm determined to enjoy every second of this one (and the last of September, and November too). As the weather cools, here's what I'm hoping to do this fall:
1. Find some new hiking spots.
We've mostly just stuck to Ohiopyle this past year, so I'm really excited to branch out and try some new trails.
2. Go apple picking.
This was a fall ritual back home in New England, and I'd love to continue it here in PA. The jury is still out when it comes to finding a good pick-your-own place, but we're definitely going to check out Soergels and Trax Farms.
3. Go to a flea market.
Something we've been waiting all year to do, if the weather holds up, this is what we'll be doing this weekend!
4. Visit friends around the state.
I already have some plans in place for this, but I want to make more. I'm such a week-to-week planner that my weekends are often spent on the fly, so I want to get better at planning ahead of time.
5. Re-do our home office/workspace and clean out the garage.
Our extra bedroom has a desk in it, and a computer, it also houses boxes of stuff to donate, and loads of other stuff we don't need. I'd love to build a new desk and really make it a space I'd like to be in. Also, ugh, our garage. We still have boxes from Massachusetts that have yet to be sorted and unpacked. I've been putting it off because I'm convinced they're now filled with spiders and other undesirables.
6. Have people over more often.
I'm gun shy when it comes to entertaining and get a little anxious about having people over to our place. I'd really love to get over this and entertain a little more.
7. Cook more often.
Confession: I don't like cooking. Chris does, so the majority (read: all) of our meals are cooked by him (except for breakfast and baked goods, two things I do enjoy making). I'd love to try out some new recipes and add a little more to my extremely limited repertoire.
8. Clean out my closet, and be intentional about what I add to it.
I think this is pretty self-explanatory. I think I've become much more aware over the past year of what I'm drawn to fashion- and decor-wise. I've done several closet clean-outs since we moved, and I want to keep the ball rolling seasonally.
9. Decorate for the season.
Our porch is just asking for mums in all colors.
10. Work more with my hands.
I write all day at work, I write in the evenings for this blog, I would love to make more time to create with my hands. It's something that I miss. Ideally, I'd love to take a metal-working class for jewelry fabrication, but have yet to find one that's affordable. This goal goes along with #5, we need to make some space for projects.
Do you make seasonal goals? I'd love to know what you're working on this fall!