Over the Weekend

It's been forever and a day since I've taken decent weekend photos. Sometimes I just need a break from lugging my camera around. Did you have a nice weekend? Mine was extremely relaxing. Saturday, I sort of had a date-day with myself: I met up with a friend for breakfast, made the seasonal switch in my closet, brought four huge bags of stuff to Avalon, took myself out for coffee, and then went shopping for new tights with my Avalon winnings.
On Sunday, Chris and I woke up bright and early, grabbed bagels and coffee, and then headed out to meet up with a friend for a morning of flea market-ing. The weather on the way there was threatening, with a few down-pours, but by the time we arrived the sun had worked it's way out. We didn't come home with much, but what we bought was well worth it: A vintage Pendleton blanket (above), which is now residing on the back of our couch (this particular one was made between 1920 and 1933...or maybe 1923 and 1930...I can't remember), and I found myself a sizable vintage coffee mug. There was a lot more that I would have been happy to take home with me (like that super bright kitchen set in the first photo), but I'm glad we kept it light. The remainder of the day was spent running a few errands, cleaning up the porch, and making chicken soup and pumpkin cookies.
Happy Monday!