Flannel Weather

Flannel: American Apparel (old)
Jeans: Vintage/ Avalon ($11)
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell (old)
Belt: Vintage/ thrifted ($2)
Earrings c/o Noble Town Vintage
Bag c/o Bali ELF
Where I wore it: To the office!
Yesterday, I had one of those days. You know, the kind of day where you wake up late and nothing feels like it fits; you try on everything in your closet only to land back where you started from; standing in your underwear amidst the rubble of your wardrobe five minutes after you were supposed to leave for work? Yeah, that kind of day. After that morning whirlwind, I landed in frustration on this outfit for the sake of getting us out of the house relatively on time. Which isn't bad, I like it, but I spent my day wishing I was back in bed wearing pajamas. I usually have clutch outfits for days like this, outfits that I know look good and that I'll be comfortable in; but lately my closet has been a weird mix of summer and fall. I've been trying to put off making the seasonal switch for as long as possible, but I think it's time. I have no interest in wearing sandals again this year, it's time to break out the boots.
Do you pack away your seasonal clothes? I started doing it when Chris and I moved in together, and it's such a space-saver. Plus, I love rediscovering all those clothes hidden away in boxes at the start of each season. I have big plans this weekend to haul everything out and get organized.