Friday Favorites & Life Lately

Insta: Listening to Black Sabbath at the bar, a creepy cookbook from the Center for Reuse, working from home with a lazy oaf
El Seductor, figs with honey, Johnny Cash Night at the Elks Lodge last weekend
Hanging out with Zephyr
I'm so excited it's the weekend! Do you have any fun plans? I'm feeling super motivated thanks to the cooler weather and I'm looking forward to getting stuff done around the house, hanging out with friends, and...well, who knows. Chris is hell-bent on singing karaoke now that he knows I know all the words to Brandy, You're a Fine Girl. I'm resistant.
Loving:This cooler weather! I know I sound like a broken record, but I can sleep at night! I don't break a sweat when I walk outside! Running doesn't feel like death!
So I picked up The Paris Wife and John 1939 last week's not going well. I wish i could say I'm excited about them, but I don't think it's the right time for either. I'm not saying I'm giving up, but I think I just need something different right now. I grabbed them both in haste as the library was closing, so I think I just need to go back and peruse.
Excited for:
Thrifting/yard saleing/estate saleing this weekend, the Propelle Style Summit (more on that next week), switching out my summer clothes for fall, upcoming work projects, generally getting shit done that needs to get done. I love the renewed sense of motivation that comes with a new season.
Working on:
More hair tutorials! Basically, I'm lazy and have set out the past couple of weekends determined to photograph some new how-tos, but get sidetracked by relaxation and thrift stores. This weekend I am determined to photograph at least two, plus I have a new hair tool to review. I must make this happen. Actually, one thing that has made this a little more difficult to accomplish is being without a camera remote. When we moved, despite how horribly disorganized we packed, my camera remote is the only thing we lost. And I think it's in my car. This is a piss poor excuse due to the fact that those things cost under $20 bucks.
Here's what I'm loving from around the web this week:
This dotted sweater from Ruche looks so cozy. I'd pair it with a navy skirt and metallic loafers.
Lulu's is now carrying Wildfox jewelry! My favorite piece is this skeleton collar necklace.
This fringed bag from Spotted Moth has perfect fall colors in it.
InfinEight is on vacation this week, but you can sign up to be notified when she returns!
This little shift dress from Bluesville, USA is so cute! Get 15% off your order with the code "orchidgrey"!
This chevron bracelet is so beautiful! I love blue lapis.
Out of my price range, but no less awesome.
Leah Reena Goran's cat print dress is on sale! Swoon.
5 Meaningful Ways to Help Others.
Would you vote for Tuxedo Stan? (I Would)
5 Meaningful Ways to Help Others.
Would you vote for Tuxedo Stan? (I Would)
A couple of new-to-me blogs I'm into this week: Zero Style, Miss Indie.
Headphones for cats. Finally.
Have a happy weekend!