Life Lately

Just a few of my favorite recent photos from Instagram (OrchidGrey), mostly of the cat. Big surprise. Tomorrow marks the start of a rather travel-heavy few weeks, and right on schedule I'm sick as a dog. This always, always seems to happen. I wish it didn't freak me out so much, but ever since I traveled so frequently for admissions, I've felt a lot of anxiety towards traveling. I love the destinations, sure, but the act of getting there is enough to send me into a tail spin. You'd think it would be the other way around, that I'd be used to it by now, a pro. But nope, not at all.
So, I'm off to Seattle tomorrow, or more specifically, to Carnation, WA for the Timber! Music Festival. I haven't been to Washington since...2010, maybe? Maybe 2009. It's honestly one of my favorite states, and I love Seattle. I used to travel there frequently for admissions. Next week, I'm off to another favorite city: Austin, TX for the Texas Style Council Conference, and then I'm headed straight to San Francisco for work! Oof, I feel like August has already come and gone. Not to sound too cliche, but this summer, it's flying by. We're still living among boxes and other detritus from our move, and have just accepted the fact that we're not going to be settled in for a while. It's just been too hot to get unpacked. We have shelves to build and art to hang, but that's all going to have to wait. It will happen, eventually.