
Jacket: Estate sale (similar)
Dress c/o Ruche
Boots c/o ShoeMint
Necklace c/o InfinEight
I wore this too: a movie date
I found this jacket at the world's worst estate sale a few weeks ago, and bought it for a couple of bucks with the intent of chopping off the sleeves. As it goes with most items (usually denim) that I initially intend to hack up in some way, I ended up really liking it as-is. Nearly perfect in it's roughed-up state, I took a dremel tool to it to rough it up a bit more around the pockets and hem. Oversize and and a little gnarly, it's the perfect balance to a sweet and slightly girly dress.
Chris and I went on a movie date this weekend (our first trip to the movies since October, yeesh) to see The Heat, which I thought was surprisingly hilarious (not that I didn't expect it to be funny, just not as funny as it actually was). Melissa McCarthy, I just love how she swears.