Black and White and Red

We spent this past weekend (and the days before it) walking all over the city and going to apartment viewings and we are both mentally exhausted. The good news is that we're just waiting on approval for a cute little place in South Philly, so I'm keeping busy by keeping my fingers crossed and stressing myself out thinking about it. But let's not kid ourselves, I can't wait. We paid a visit to Terrain out in Glen Mills on Sunday and both left with visions of an even more plant-filled apartment in our heads. I may kvetch about how much I hate apartment hunting, but the thrill of having a new space to decorate and make into a home can't be denied.
Get the look: Dress: New Old Fashion Vintage (c/o) // Jacket: Estate sale (similar) // Heels: Kelsi Dagger (c/o - similar) // Ring: UO (similar) // Earrings: Vintage (similar)