This Weekend

1. Went to the farmer's market in Rittenhouse Square and bought a huge bouquet of flowers.
2. Signed the lease for our new place, which looks out onto a little park and will be within biking distance to my office.
3. Walked to Jinxed on South Street.
4. Walked home.
5. Walked back to South Street to meet up with friends at Tattooed Moms (thank you all for the recommendation).
6. Got tipsy.
7. Woke up late, grabbed coffee from Joes, and watched dogs in the park (creeping on other people's dogs is my new favorite hobby. Chris's too.)
8. Drove to the Fishtown location of Jinxed, bought a camera (found a roll of used film in it!).
9. Burnt butter on the stove in our hotel room and smoked up the entire floor, which we're dealing with now. Cooking in a hotel room really isn't ideal.
... Oh, and we watched The Pizza Underground play on Friday night surrounded by really excited college students. We felt old. But it was still fun/funny for a little while, until all I wanted to do was listen to Lou Reed not sing about pizza. And I was carded for cigarettes today (not for me, I don't smoke, never have), which should have made me feel young, but mostly made me feel inconvenienced because I didn't have my ID and somehow made me feel older.